Concerning God's Omniscience Predestination & Baptism

Religious Questions

Concerning God knowing everything.

If predestination is not true (not that I believe it is) how could God be merciful and bestow free will if He already knows the future particularly who is going to hell? 

Wouldn't all the gifts given to that said person to finish his/her life right be not enough anyway? 

Conclusion: God therefore must not know the future of a persons damnation or salvation. If he did then what a cruel god to create people he destined to be in hell.

Concerning Baptism
Why Believe in original sin? Why should and how could the sins of people long ago affect me and future generations now? Where's the connection? Shouldn't the actual sins committed venial and mortal be the only sins that a person commits? 
Along with:
Why believe that Baptism is the only way to heaven if good people who know they aren't baptized do good and desire good? How could they be damned?

The following seems to answer these questions:

Concerning Baptism:

I need to look further into it but God is the way to salvation.

Not to be taken out of context we do need the sacraments but this supports my thought that God is one who is generous by circumstance 

St. Thomas Aquinas said
In III.68.2.c
(Basically ) God's hands are not tied by the Sacraments

After reading and thought I'm concluding that creation of an individual is not an act of cruelty but is a generous proposal into not only earthly life but eternal life. If I should so choose hell how can I be like Adam and pass the blame to Him? He generously created me and died for me so that by His will hell for me be avoided. Foreknowledge therefore does not deem Him cruel and irresponsible for creating me if I should choose hell and he knows I will, rather it only shows how He is ever more generous and respectful of my free will. He is constantly striving to save me against my own wrong desire which is in fact anything short of my fulfillment in Himself. 

Spiritual Slow Motion

Believe it or not I have a difficulty with determining a routine in daily life. I have a set of prayers I try to stick to,  I have a beautiful family I love to care for,  and a job (not multiple jobs) that pays the bills but I know life is more than bread clothes and the house. It is my interior,  my spiritual life that I feel should grow. Maybe if I stick to structure or community I'm not quite sure but I need to reach to God in a new way. Michelangelo's creation of Adam that lives on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel reminds me of my spiritual life at times as well as mankind in general. If you ever take a good look at it you'll notice that God is reaching with everything that He is and there is Adam he is so lazy he's even supporting his dang arm with his knee lying on the ground which is hardly motivating looking Adam alone. But with God in the mix we see all the hope. For whoever may read this blog please pray for me.

Pray the Rosary DAILY!



Morning Prayers                   2-5

Meditation (ref.)


Guardian Angel

Angelus 6am, noon, 6pm             6


Night Prayer                          8-11

Christ thy King, Thy Kingdom Come!

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Our Father…,

Hail Mary,

Glory Be..,

Oh my Jesus Forgive us our Sins save us from the fires of Hell lead all those to heaven especially those in most need of Thine mercy.

My Lord and Father inspire my Thoughts words and Actions and accompany them with your aid so that I undertake all my activities and carry them through according to your will and out of love for you. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

My Lord, God of heaven and earth- Father and Creator, Son and Redeemer Holy Spirit and Sanctifier I adore you and Love you with all my heart. I thank you for creating me, redeeming me, and calling me to the Catholic faith and watching over me last night. I offer you on this day my prayer, work, struggles sufferings and joys. Enable me to do everything out of love for you and according to your will. Make me steadfast in living my Christian vocation, patient in suffering, courageous in proclaiming my faith; fill me with wisdom on life’s journey and charity in dealing with others. Free me from sin and from all evil. May your grace always remain with me and all who are dear to me. Amen

Lord Jesus Faithful friend of my Soul and King of the Church once more I offer you my life so you can teach me to do your will, give me the strength to follow you, and help me to imitate your virtues, especially those that please you most: charity, humility, justice, and honesty.

Make me a faithful, zealous apostle of your Church and grant me the grace that will enable me to proclaim your saving message to the brothers and sisters I meet on my journey today. May I live my Catholic faith with such evident conviction and share it with such ardent zeal that I become a fruitful and effective fisher of souls for the Kingdom. Amen

Holy Spirit, I ask you for the gift of Wisdom to better know You and Your divine perfections, for the gift of Understanding to clearly discern the spirit of the mysteries of the holy faith, for the gift of Counsel that I may live according to the principles of this faith, for the gift of Knowledge that I may look for counsel in You and that I may always find it in You, for the gift of Fortitude that no fear or earthly preoccupations would ever separate me from You, for the gift of Piety that I may always serve Your Majesty with a filial love, for the gift of the Fear of the Lord that I may dread sin, which offends You, O my God.

Mother, I come before you on this new day to bless you for the great things almighty God has done for you, to thank you for the graces you have obtained for me, to consecrate to you all my thoughts, words, and actions and to ask your blessing for me and every member of the Church.

Intercede with God for all of us spread throughout the world, as we strive to live the faith, hope, and charity of which you are such and admirable and noble example. Enable me to imitate the life of prayer, obedience, humility, fidelity, sacrifice, and simplicity that you shared with your son our brother and Lord. Help me to form a meek and humble heart like that of your son, Jesus Christ, and obtain for me the grace of receiving him in the sacrament of his love as fervently as you throughout the years of your solitude.

Mother, tell Jesus how much I want to love him, how ardently I desire to become holy and be his apostle. Tell him how fervently and constantly I want to serve him in the Church, which is called to be a faithful instrument in extending his Kingdom throughout the world. Amen

Angel sent by God to guard me be my guardian and Protect me on the paths of life direct me Amen.

The Angelus

The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:
And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. 

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
our death. Amen. 


I am the lowly servant of the Lord: Let it be done unto me according to Thy word. 

Hail Mary . . . 

And the Word was made Flesh: And dwelt among us. 

Hail Mary . . . 

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: 

Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen. 

"Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Lk 1:28)  

"Blessed are you among women,
 and blessed is the fruit of your womb"
(Lk 1:42).

Spiritual Evaluation /Night Prayers

My Lord and my God. I thank you for the countless gifts you have given me, especially for creating and redeeming me, for calling me to the Catholic Faith, for choosing me to be an apostle among my brothers and sisters, and for freeing me from so many dangers of soul and body. Enlighten my mind so I can recognize my faults, and grant me the grace to be truly sorry and sincerely mend my ways.

Suggestions for evaluation. Best to consult your spiritual director to better form to your current spiritual and apostolic situation. You may also review an examination of conscience.

My Lord and my God you know each person’s heart. Give me the grace to examine mine sincerely and to know it truly so I can discover all my sins, confess them well, and avoid them from now on. Thus I hope to win your pardon and grace on earth and eternal life in heaven. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Our Father.., Hail Mary

I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,

All bow during the following three lines:
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Prayer Before Going to Sleep

Visit this house we beg you, Lord, and banish it from the deadly power of the evil one. May your holy angels dwell here to keep us in peace, and may your blessing be always upon us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen




6 steps to sizing motor protection & wires

****Audio of sample problem at bottom click link
NEC 2014 reference
For 3phase motors with 1phase motors

Step 5 ------------------------------------------AUDIO 7 MIN 23 SECONDS
Feeder Conductor Size
  • - Take largest motor in FLC X 125%.
  • - With result add all other motor(s) on same feeder (select either a,b,or c phase whichever may connect to feeder with said largest FLC motor)
  • - With result see chart p. 161 to determine conductor size

Step 6
Feeder Over Current Protection
  • -Take the largest Branch circuit overcurrent device (from step 4 B)
  • -ADD all the FLCs of All the other Motor(s) connected on the same feeder.                                [Follow feeder to either a,b,or c phase whichever it is connected to and ADD the motor(s) FLCs]
  • With that result refer to page 96 to determine Feeder overcurrent protection           ((((REMEMEBER feeder protection CAN NOT go up to next standard size.. so ... Decrease once (if not spot-on) to the nearest standard size DOWN.)
Steps 5 & 6 are different for motors that are 3phase and 1phase that share the same feeder.

In Step 5

Select the Largest FLC and multiply it by 125% (1.25).
With the result add the next largest FLC connected to it. With that result go to page 161 to determine wire size.

Select the Largest FLC and Add the FLCs that are connected.
Since 3 phase motors have A, B, and C phases that balance between the single phase motors.
(ex. 1, 3phase with 3, single phase motors.) Each single phase connects to the 3, phase and only one at a time does the current travel on each A,B& C phase. (confusing yet?)

Step 6
From step 4 select the Largest Branch circuit Over-current protection device.
Add this to the FLC connected on the same branch.
(in this case this is a single phase connected to one of the 3phases of the Three phase motor either a,b, or c.
With that result refer to page 96. for the Feeder over-current protection
(((Remember for the feeder if the closest value is higher go DOWN 1, NEVER UP---you could create damage))))

In addition to the six steps the

* 1 hp= 746 W



What was on the board__**click picture for full screen**__
 You can open audio in separate window
Audio Link  If it does not play just download & then play

Blue Print 6,7

terms Link

Unit 6

Unit 7

Terms Below:

Unit 6 Terms

ASTM International:     Organizaiton responsible for setting criteria for the quality of structural materials. Formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).

 building Codes:  Laws and standards specifying requirements for building construction.

Construction Specifications Institute (CSI):  Organization of professionals responsible for the development of standards for specification writing and data identification in the construction industry

Divisions:    Major construction categories identified within the MasterFormat® specification writing standard
MasterFormat®:             A standard identification system for organizing content documenting requirements,  products, and activities used on the construction industry.

Specifications:                 The written directions issued by architects or engineers to establish general conditions, standards, and detailed instructions to be used on a project.

Unit 7 Terms
admixture:          Material added to concrete or mortar to alter it in some way

adobe brick:       Building units made from natural sun-dried clays or earth and a binder.

aggregates:        Sand, gravel, rock, or other material used along with cement and water to make concrete.

angles:      With regard to structural steel, an L-shaped member with two perpendicular legs. Common leg lengths are 2” - 7”, with common thicknesses of 1/8” – 5/8”.

ashlar:       A stone cut by sawing to a rectangular shape.

bent glass:         Glass building material produced by heating annealed glass to the point where it softens so it can be pressed over a form.
bond:         The holding or gripping force between reinforcing steel and concrete. Also, the pattern in which masonry units are laid.

bond beams:      A reinforced concrete beam running around a masonry wall to provide added strength. Vertical bond beans are formed by inserting reinforcing bar in a cell after the wall is laid and filling with grout.               

brick masonry:            Construction method that uses units (bricks) that are manufactured, rather than removed from quarries.

building brick:             The most commonly used type of brick, specified for applications where appearance is not important. Normally called “common brick.”

cement:              The material used in concrete to bind the aggregate together.

ceramic tiles:              Floor or wall covering units made from nonmetallic minerals, fired at very high temperature

concrete:            Structural material comprising water, gravel, sand, and cement.

concrete brick:           Solid or cored units molded from a mixture of Portland cement and aggregates and hardened chemically.

concrete masonry unit (CMU):               A masonry unit made of concrete measuring 8” X 8” X 16” long (including mortar joint).

cut stones:                   Stones that are cut ot size and finished at a mill prior to being used for construction.

face brick:          A select brick made of clays and chemicals to produce a desired color and effect for use in the face of a wall.

Ferrous metals:           Metals that contain iron as a principal element and typically have magnetic properties.

Firebrick:            A refractory ceramic brick made to resist high temperatures.

Fired-clay tile:             A tile used primarily for floor coverings. It is produced from clays and is fired in a kiln to harden the surface.

Flexible insulation:               Insulating material made of mineral or vegetable fiber and available in blanket and batt form.

Float glass:                  The most common type of glass, produced by floating a continuous ribbon of molten glass on a bath of molten tin.

Gage system:              Classification method used for metal materials less than ¼” in thickness (often called “sheet metal”).

Glass:                  Translucent ceramic material used in building construction

Glass block:                 Hollow building units made by fusing two sections of glass together.

Glazed brick:               Brick finished with a hard, smooth coating, and used for decorative and special service applications.

Gravel:                Rock aggregate material ranging in diameter from ¼” to several inches.

Green building:  a building technology utilizing design strategies and construction methods to build structures that make efficient use of natural resources and energy. Also known as sustainable design.

Grout:                  A cementitious mixture of high water content, prepared to pour easily into spaces in a masonry wall. Made from Portland cement, lime, and aggregate, it is used to secure anchor bolts and vertical reinforcing rods in masonry walls.          

Header course:           A course of brick laid flat so their long dimension is across the thickness of the wall, and the heads of the course of bricks show on the face of the wall.

Hydration:           A chemical reaction between cement and water that results in the hardening of concrete.

Insulating glass:                   A window or door glass consisting of two sheets of glass separated by a sealed air space to reduce heat transfer.
Kiln-burned brick:                 Building units made from natural clays or shales (sometimes with other materials added, such as coloring) and molded to shape, dried, and fired for hardness.

Laminating:              A method of construction by bonding layers of material with an adhesive, such as plastic laminate or a glue-laminated wood beam.

Lintels:                           Support member for a masonry opening, usually made of precast concrete or steel.

Loose-fill insulation:                     Insulation made from particles of material such as rock wool, wood, fibers, cork, wood pulp products, or vermiculite. It is poured, blown, or packed in place by hand.

Lumber:                        Wood that has been cut to specific dimensions for structural use.
Mortar:                           Cementitious substance used as a binding agent for masonry units.

Mosaic tiles:                           Small tile, typically 1” square, that can be laid to form a design or pattern.

Nonferrous metals:        Metals containing little or no iron.

Open-web steel joists:                               A truss type joist with top and botton chords and a web formed of diagonal members. Some manufacturers  make a joist with chords of wood and a steel web and refer to it as a truss joist.

Patterned glass:                                                Sheet glass with a pattern rolled into one or both sides  to diffuse the light and provide privacy.                   
Paving brick:          Hard-surfaced brick used in driveways or areas where abrasion is a concern.

Pervious concrete:                         Highly porous concrete that allows water to pass through it.

Plate glass:                              Sheet glass that has been heat-treated during forming, producing a brilliant surface that is ground and polished when cooled.
Plywood:                      A composite lumber material consisting of layers of wood glued together with their grains oriented perpendicular.

Quarry tile:                                A floor covering material produced from clays that provide a wear-resistant surface.
Reflective insulation:                  Insulation made from materials such as aluminum foil, sheet metal with tin coating, and paper products coated with a reflective oxide composition.

Reinforcing bars:                              Steel bars placed within forms and surrounded by concrete. The surface of reinforcing bars is normally deformed to improve the bond between the bar and the concrete.

Rigid insulation:                 A lightweight, low-density product with good heat and acoustical insulating qualities. It is available in large sheets.

Rough-sawn lumber:                     Wood that has been cut to size but not dressed or surfaced.

Rubble:                          A type of stone masonry unit taken directly from the quarry, without smoothing or finishing.

R-Value:                        A numeric classification for insulating value (resistance to heat transfer).

Safety glass:          Glass that has been treated to resist breakage, or to break into less hazardous pieces.

Sand-lime brick:                 Building units molded from a mixture of sand and lime and hardened under steam pressure and heat.l

Sheet glass:                            Glass commonly used for windows in thicknesses of 3/32” or 1/8”.

Single-wythe walls:                        A masonry wall composed of one row of bricks.

Stained glass:                       Colored glass produced by adding metallic oxides in the molten state. This glass can be used for windows and decorative pieces. Sometimes called art  or cathedral glass.

Stone masonry:                  Construction method using granite, limestone, marble, sandstone, or slate as a building material. Today, stone masonry is usually decorative, rather than structural.

Stretcher:                   A brick laid in a flat position, lengthwise with the wall.

Structural clay tile:                        Building units made of materials similar to brick, but in larger sizes.

Structural steel:                 General name for several types of mild steel normally used in construction.

Surfaced lumber:              Wood that has been dressed or finished to size by running through a planer.

Sustainability:                      The ability of a structure to maintain operational efficiency and have minimal impact on the environment throughout its lifetime.

Sustainable design:      A building technology utilizing design strategies and construction methods to build structures that make efficient use of natural resources and energy.
AKA: Green Building

Terra cotta:             A type of clay tile used for its attractiveness. Literally—burnt earth.

Thermal insulation:        Material designed to reduce heat transmission through walls, ceilings, and floors.

Welded wire fabric (WWF):                    Wire mesh fabricated by means of welding the crossing of joints of steel wires. Normally used to reinforce concrete slabs.